- E-machine and Inverter assembly cyclic vibration analysis
- Bending analysis of PCB under static and dynamic loading
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of PCBs & Solder joint failure prediction analysis
- Fatigue & Creep Prediction of PCB assemblies
Thermal & Flow
- Thermal simulation of inverter assembly under transient loading
- Ohmic Heating simulation in electronics components
- Layered PCB thermal analysis considering orthotropic properties
- Power module cooling path optimization
Case Studies
CHT Simulation of EV Inverter Assembly
Objective: To optimize thermal management of EV inverter assembly.
- Geometry Study
- Current path definition
- Weld Line Modelling
Discretization & Model build-up
- Part Based Modelling
- Volume Mesh
- Simulation Setup
- Physics:-
Ohmic Heating
Convective Cooling Radiation
- High Performance Cluster
- Multi-core Computation
Result Evaluations
- Heat Balance
- Current Density
- Temperature Hotspot Identification
- Flow Performance
- Flow Path Study and Optimization
- Heat Path Optimization
- DoE
Electronic Thermal Simulation of PCB
Objective: To Study PCB Thermal Behavior & Cooling
System Study & Preprocessing
- ECAD (IPC2581 , IDF, ODB ++)
- Layered Board Meshing & Trace mapping
- Orthotropic Material properties
Model Buildup & Simulation
- Complex Physics & Geometry
- Conduction, Convection and Radiation
- Distribution across electric path
- High Temperature Regions
- Cooling Requirement Study