The future is “Electric”

Mostly all automotive/ CV OEMs, are strategically planning for launching “Electric Vehicle” (EV) in coming years if not already launched. The electric vehicle (EV) industry is growing fast and in this growing market customer has a wide variety of options available to choose from. Let’s have a look at different types of electric vehicles available.

Different types of EVs:

  • BEV: Battery Electric Vehicle
  • REEV: Range Extended Electric Vehicles
  • HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle
  • PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
  • FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
The future is “Electric”

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV)

Battery Electric Vehicles also known as BEVs are fully electric vehicles propelled by an electric motor, rather than a traditional petrol or diesel engine. BEVs store electricity with high capacity battery packs mounted on the vehicle body and this battery power is used to run the electric motor. An external source is required to charge the battery packs. BEVs also use regenerative braking system, which convert much of the kinetic energy back into the electrical energy. BEVs are termed as green vehicles due to the fact that there are no internal combustion (IC) engines.

Range Extended Electric Vehicles (REEV)

Range Extended Electric Vehicle is a battery electric vehicle which includes a range extender, ‘an auxiliary power unit (APU)’. An important aspect of range extender is to increase the vehicle’s range. Range extender has the role of charging the batteries.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)

The word ‘Hybrid’ stands for the fact that there are more than 1 power sources available in this type. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) are powered by both internal combustion engine and electric motor as per the power requirements. However, HEVs can’t be charged externally from the grid and all their energy is generated from IC engine or regenerative braking system.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)

PHEVs use an electric motor and battery that can be charged externally, however also has the support of an IC engine that may be used to recharge the vehicle’s battery. If required IC engine also has a possibility to replace the electric motor if battery is fully discharged.

Component/Vehicle Type Battery IC Engine
BEV Present (Only source of power) Not Present
HEV Present (Small Capacity Batteries) Present (Used as alternate power source at high speeds and for charging of batteries)
PHEV Present (Large Capacity Batteries) Present (Used for charging batteries and alternate power source of vehicle when batteries get discharged)

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) are powered by electricity generated by electrochemical reaction inside fuel cell between hydrogen and oxygen. Fuel cell works similar to battery where chemical energy is converted into electrical energy and heat. In battery, energy is stored inside the battery cell and need to be recharged when it is completely utilised. On the other hand, fuel cell can generate electricity continuously as long as it is supplied with fuel.

We at ESPL have developed good expertise in simulation of different types of Electric Vehicle. If your team is looking for any kind of CAE/CFD support in this area, kindly get in touch with us.

Contact details are as below.

Equilibrium Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Phone: +91-20-25420085
Contact Point: Mr. Adwait Gokhale

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